Putri Ayu’s Performance
Embassy of Republic Indonesia, Singapore
Christmas Celebration
12 January 2013
Special Thanks for Martin Lukas for inviting me to be part of the Official Photographer
Putri Ayu was born in sibolga, north sumatra in 24 may 1997. she starts her singing career in very young age by joining singing competition in north sumatra.
She began to sing classic song when she joined pusparawi competition, a classic singing competition.
After that she become more interesting in classic genre and joined Indonesia Mencari Bakat , a talent show competition in TRANSTV as a classic singer at age 12 and won the competition as runner up.
At age 14, Putri ayu chosen as one of finalist born to sing asia – David Foster contest from Indonesia. she duet in David foster and friends concert that held in Jakarta at 28 Oct 2011 and then invited again at David foster and friends concert in Marina Bay Singapore On 3 Nov 2012, in Singapore she sang the prayer duet with Michael Bolton.
She also singing abroad invited by the Indonesian embassy in Netherlands, Singapore and Government of Timor Leste.
Her new single just release called “Bintang Dimana”.